Engagement Activity

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Trust's Clinical Strategy 2022-2028

Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust (LCHS) is the main provider of community-based services aimed at supporting people to manage their own health at home and reducing the need for people to go to the hospital.

We care for thousands of patients every day, in partnership with other health and social care services, to deliver joined-up care in community settings. The intention is to provide good out-of-hospital care and avoid admissions into acute hospitals.

The full list of services we provide is included under Our Services section.


About this Clinical Strategy

We recognise that the needs of the Lincolnshire population are changing and for us to continue to provide services which support people to stay well in their homes and communities requires us to look at providing our services differently.

The Clinical Strategy 2023-2028 will set in very broad terms how we plan to work with the public, our patients, their families, carers and our partners to review and develop our services.  We’ve used existing feedback from Lincolnshire NHS engagement events and comments, concerns and complaints to help shape our clinical strategy and include patients’ and carers’ voice.

This one paged document summarises the full version of the strategy, which is available online on our website. A full version of the Clinical Strategy>>

Please help us to ensure the strategy reflects the voice of people of Lincolnshire by reading the one-page summary and feeding back your thoughts through the online form>>

Back to About Us Date Last Modified 19/06/2023