Equality and Diversity
Equality Objectives 2021 - 2023
The Equality Act asks public sector organisations, including NHS organisations, to publish at least one Equality Objective. Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust will publish four objectives which have originated from our knowledge of Lincolnshire demographics and engagement with local communities. The objectives are also inspired by the Equality Delivery System (EDS), Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES), Workforce Disability Equality Standard (WDES), Accessible Information Standard and the Sexual Orientation Monitoring Standard.
Due to the impact of Covid-19 and the Public Health England (PHE) report, ‘Disparities in the risk and outcomes of COVID-19’, published June 2020 LCHS’ equality objectives which were developed during 2020/21 to include covid-19 actions and these continued for 2021/22. Therefore, a decision was taken to focus on key areas of impact highlighted within LCHS’s equality objectives, as detailed below:
- Deliver the System Wide Pilot of the revised Equality Delivery System
This revised version of the EDS was commissioned by NHS England and NHS Improvement for the NHS Equality and Diversity Council (EDC) with, and on behalf of, the NHS. It has been designed to fit with local and regional NHS re-organisation. The Lincolnshire NHS System has been asked to be involved in the revised EDS. Work as a system has been underway particularly around staff and leadership.
- To consider and develop engagement and actions regarding the impact of COVID-19 on local vulnerable communities
Research in June 2020, by PHE looking at the impact of COVID-19 taking account age, sex, deprivation, region and ethnicity. Also, to be considered is the existence of comorbidities, which are strongly associated with the risk of death from COVID-19 and are likely to explain some of the differences.
- To consider and develop engagement and actions regarding the impact of COVID-19 and vulnerable staff both BAME and people with disabilities
- Staff networks and forums in place
- Trust Board BAME advisor attends public Trust board
- MAPLE members attended the Trust Board
- System-wide webinars to celebrate Black and Disability History Month
- Risk assessment for all staff in place
- NHS Staff Survey
- Evaluate health and wellbeing offer
- Listen, care, act and improve on existing health inequalities and increased health inequalities due to COVID 19
In the PHE report, the largest disparity found was by age. A ‘rapid response’ Equality Impact Assessment was developed as a system and is has now been embedded across the tree NHS Trusts in Lincolnshire. This new EIA also incorporated health inequalities to be considering during services or policy change.
Due to the constant changing situation that LCHS operates within and the external factors influencing this, it has been agreed that LCHS will have yearly equality objectives. For 2022/23 the identified Equality objectives are:
- Create a healthy, inclusive and compassionate culture of ‘Belonging’
- Evolve a culture of civility and respect
- Promoting and supporting inclusive leadership and cultural intelligence at the Board, senior leadership team and across the organisation
- Use data to understand and respond to the equality risks
- Increasing diversity across all bands, in particular band 7 and above
- Work to reduce the inequalities experienced by staff and applicants from all protected characteristics to improve experience and engagement of staff within the workplace
- Embed the reviewed EDS
Public Sector Equality Duty
The general equality duty is set out in the Equality Act 2010 (the Act). In summary, those subject to the equality duty must, in the exercise of their functions, have due regard to the need to:
- Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act.
- advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristics and those who do not.
- Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.
The specific duties in summary are a need to publish information:
- publish sufficient information to demonstrate its compliance with the general equality duty across its functions on a basis.
This information must include, in particular:
- Information on the effect that its policies and practices have had on people who share a relevant protected characteristic, to demonstrate the extent to which it furthered the aims of the general equality duty for its employees and for others with an interest in the way it performs its functions.
Gender Pay Gap Statement
Equality and diversity annual reports
- EDI Annual Report 2023-2024.pdf
- Appendix II - Patient ED data 2023-2024_.pdf
- Appendix I LCHS Workforce ED data 2023-2024.pdf
- EDI Annual Report 2022-2023.pdf
- Appendix ii Patient equality data 22-23 - Final.pdf
- Appendix i Staff Data 22-23 - Final.pdf
- Appendix 2- LCHS EDS Action Plan 2023-2024 .pdf
- Appendix 1- EDS Domains criteria and LCHS rating pdf.pdf
- LCHS EDS 2022-2023 Report .pdf
- EDI Annual Report 2021-22.pdf
- EDI Annual Report 2020 - 2021.pdf
- Appendix ii) Patient equality data analysis 2020 - 2021.pdf
- Appendix i) Staff ESR Data analysis 2020 - 2021.pdf
- EDI Annual Report 19-2020.pdf
- EDI Annual Report 18-19 July 2019.pdf
Equality Documentation
- Appendix 1 WRES Data 2023- 2024.pdf
- WDES Action plan 2024-2025.xlsx
- WRES Annual Report 2023-2024.pdf
- WDES Annual Report 2023-2024.pdf
- Appendix 1 - WDES Data 2023-2024.pdf
- WRES action Plan 2024- 2025.xlsx
- WDES Annual Report 2022 2023.pdf
- Appendix 2 - WDES Action Plan 2022 2023.xlsx
- Appendix 1 - WDES Data 2022 2023.pdf
- Appendix 2 - WRES Action Plan 2022 2023.xlsx
- Appendix 1 WRES data 2022 2023.pdf
- WRES Annual Report 2022 2023.pdf
- WRES Annual Report 2022.pdf
- WDES Annual Report 2022.pdf
- WRES Annual report 2021
- WDES Annual report 2021
- WRES Annual Report and Action Plan 2020.pdf
- WDES Annual Report and Action Plan 2020.pdf
- LCHS WRES comparator table and action plan August 19.pdf
- LCHS Workforce Disability Equality Standard Results and Action plan August 2019.pdf
- Equality Strategy 2019- 2022.pdf
- EDS action plan 2018-19.pdf
Making health and social care information accessible Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust along with all organisations that provide NHS care and / or adult social care are required to follow the Accessible Information Standard in full from 31 July 2016 onwards.
Further details can be found on the NHS England website:
Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust are members of the following schemes: employers for carers, inclusive employers and NHS rainbow badge.