Clinical Services
- Acupuncture Policy
- Admission Discharge and Transfer Policy for Community Hospitals
- Adoption Record Keeping Protocol
- Anaphylaxis Recognition & Treatment Policy
- Bariatric Patients Policy
- Blood glucose and blood ketone monitoring policy
- Blood Transfusion Policy
- Clinical Supervision
- Community Point of Care Testing Policy
- Discharge Medicines Service Policy
- Formulary of Wound Management Products
- Insulin and non-insulin injectable therapy administration policy
- LCHS policy for the Administration of Injectable Medications By A Healthcare Practitioner (Trainee Associate Nurses, Senior Healthcare Support Worker or Allied Health Professional)
- Lincolnshire Guidance to facilitate Person Centred Care following a natural expected death (including Verification of Death)
- Lincolnshire Joint Policy and Procedure for the Safe Use of Bed Rails in the Community
- Lincolnshire wide Policy for the Assessment and Provision of Mouth Care (Adult Mouth Care)
- Management of Eating and Drinking and Swallowing Difficulties (Oropharyngeal Dysphagia) Policy
- Medical Devices Policy
- Medical Gases Policy
- Medicines Assistance Administration Policy for Skilled Non Registered Staff
- Mental Capacity Act Including Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
- Multi-Professional Preceptorship Policy
- Patient Identification Policy
- Physiological Observations Policy
- Policy and Procedure for the Safe Use of Bedrails in the Hospital and other in-house environments (adults)
- Policy for Administation of Intravenous Drugs and Fluids
- Policy for Anticipatory Prescribing and Supply of Palliatve Care Medications for Adults
- Policy for Developing Local Guidelines & Operating Procedures for Clinical Diagnostic Tests & Screening
- Policy for the preloading of insulin syringes for patients to administer at home
- Policy for use of the CME McKinley T34 Syringe Driver for Adults in Palliative Care
- Prescribing Policy
- Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism Policy
- ReSPECT Policy
- Resuscitation Policy
- Risk Feeding Policy
- Roles, Responsibilities and Competencies for Clinical Staff (Bands 2-8a) Policy
- Self Administration of Medicines in Community Hospitals & Butterfly Hospice
- Sepsis Recognition Policy
- Subcutaneous Injections in Community Palliative Care
- Venepuncture and Cannulation Policy
- Was Not Brought Policy