To view our policies, please use our search function below.
All files
- Acupuncture Policy.pdf
- Additional Employment.pdf
- Admission Discharge and Transfer Policy for Community Hospitals.pdf
- Adoption Record Keeping Protocol.pdf
- Allegations of Abuse.pdf
- Anaphylaxis Recognition & Treatment Policy .pdf
- Annual Leave Policy.pdf
- Asepsis Sterile and Clean Procedures Policy.pdf
- Baby Loss Policy.pdf
- Bariatric Patients Policy.pdf
- Blood glucose and blood ketone monitoring policy.pdf
- Blood Transfusion Policy.pdf
- Board Assurance Framework Policy.pdf
- Bullying and Harassment Policy.pdf
- Business Conduct, Conflicts of Interest and Gifts and Hospitalities.pdf
- Business Continuity Policy.pdf
- Business Continuity Procedure.pdf
- CCTV Policy (LCHS owned sites).pdf
- Chaperone Policy.pdf
- Claims Management Policy.pdf
- Clinical Audit Policy and Procedures.pdf
- Clinical Record Keeping Standards Policy.pdf
- Clinical Supervision.pdf
- Clinical Technology Standards Policy.pdf
- Communications Policy.pdf
- Community Point of Care Testing Policy.pdf
- Complaints & Patient Advice & Liaison Service (PALS) Policy.pdf
- Consent to Examination or Treatment Policy.pdf
- Corporate Health and Safety Policy.pdf
- Countering Fraud Bribery and Corruption Policy and Response Plan.pdf
- Data Protection Policy.pdf
- Death in Service Policy.pdf
- Development and Control of Patient Group Directions (PGD).pdf
- Discharge Medicines Service Policy.pdf
- Disclosure and Barring Service Policy.pdf
- Display Screen Equipment Policy.pdf
- Duty of Candour Policy.pdf
- Education Examinations Policy.pdf
- Education, Training & Development Policy.pdf
- Emergency Preparedness Resilience & Response (EPRR) Policy.pdf
- Employment Break Policy.pdf
- Enhanced Care for Adults Policy.pdf
- Expenses Policy.pdf
- Family Leave Policy.pdf
- Fire Safety Policy.pdf
- Flexible Working Policy (including agile working).pdf
- Formulary of Wound Management Products.pdf
- Framework for Advanced Clinical Practitioner and Consultant Clinical Practitioner Development and Career Progression.pdf
- Freedom to Speak Up : Raising Concerns (Whistleblowing) Policy.pdf
- Grievance and Resolution Policy and Procedure.pdf
- Group Incident Response Communications Plan.pdf
- Guidelines for Managers and Employees for Staff Experiencing or Affected by Domestic Abuse.pdf
- Incident Management Policy.pdf
- Inclement Weather Policy.pdf
- Induction Policy.pdf
- Infection Prevention Policy.pdf
- Information Governance Management Policy.pdf
- Information Risk Policy.pdf
- Information Security Policy.pdf
- Insulin and non-insulin injectable therapy administration policy.pdf
- Intellectual Property Policy.pdf
- Interpretation and Translation .pdf
- LCHG Change Management Policy.pdf
- LCHS on Call Policy.pdf
- LCHS policy for the Administration of Injectable Medications By A Healthcare Practitioner (Trainee Associate Nurses, Senior Healthcare Support Worker or Allied Health Professional).pdf
- Learning from Deaths: Mortality Review Policy.pdf
- Lease car scheme Policy.pdf
- Lincolnshire Guidance to facilitate Person Centred Care following a natural expected death (including Verification of Death).pdf
- Lincolnshire Joint Policy and Procedure for the Safe Use of Bed Rails in the Community.pdf
- Lincolnshire wide Policy for the Assessment and Provision of Mouth Care (Adult Mouth Care).pdf
- Lockdown of a Trust Premise, Site or Building Policy.pdf
- Lone Worker Policy.pdf
- Maintaining The Cold Chain - The control and monitoring of storage temperatures of medicinal products.pdf
- Management and Notification of Infectious Disease and Food Poisoning Policy.pdf
- Management of Arrangements Where the Deceased has no Relatives or Next of Kin.pdf
- Management of Eating and Drinking and Swallowing Difficulties (Oropharyngeal Dysphagia) Policy.pdf
- Management of External Agency Visits Inspections and Accreditations Policy.pdf
- Management of Linen, Soft Furnishings and Clothing Policy.pdf
- Management of Medication Errors Policy.pdf
- Management of Patients with Clostridioides Difficile Infection (CI) and or Associated Disease (CDAD) Policy.pdf
- Management of Relationships in the Workplace Policy.pdf
- Management of Respiratory Viruses Policy.pdf
- Management of Viral Gastroenteritis (including Norovirus) Policy.pdf
- Management of Viral Haemorrhagic Fevers Policy.pdf
- Management of Waste Policy.pdf
- Managing Stress at Work.pdf
- Manual Handling Policy.pdf
- Medical Appraisal to Support Medical Revalidation Policy.pdf
- Medical Devices Policy.pdf
- Medical Gases Policy.pdf
- Medicines Assistance Administration Policy for Skilled Non Registered Staff.pdf
- Mental Capacity Act Including Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards.pdf
- Mobile Phone and Access Policy.pdf
- MRSA Screening and Management of Patients with Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus .pdf
- Multi-Professional Preceptorship Policy.pdf
- NHSX_Records_Management_CoP_V7.pdf
- NICE implementation policy.pdf
- Overpayment Policy.pdf
- Patient Access and Safe Waiting Policy.pdf
- Patient Identification Policy.pdf
- Patient Safety Incident Response Policy.pdf
- Physiological Observations Policy.pdf
- Policy and Procedure for the Safe Use of Bedrails in the Hospital and other in-house environments (adults).pdf
- Policy for Administation of Intravenous Drugs and Fluids.pdf
- Policy for Anticipatory Prescribing and Supply of Palliatve Care Medications for Adults.pdf
- Policy for Developing Local Guidelines & Operating Procedures for Clinical Diagnostic Tests & Screening.pdf
- Policy for Prescribing, Supply, Storage and Disposal of Controlled Drugs.pdf
- Policy for the Development Management and Publication of Policies Procedures and Guidelines.pdf
- Policy for the Management of Slips, Trips and Falls - Clinical.pdf
- Policy for the preloading of insulin syringes for patients to administer at home.pdf
- Policy for use of the CME McKinley T34 Syringe Driver for Adults in Palliative Care.pdf
- Policy Implementation Plan Template.doc
- Prescribing Policy.pdf
- Prevent Strategy Policy.pdf
- Prevention and Management of sharps injuries, bites and exposure to bodily fluids (inoculation injuries) Policy.pdf
- Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism Policy.pdf
- Production of Patient Information.pdf
- Professional Registration Policy.pdf
- Protocol and Procedure for Accessing External Legal Advice.pdf
- Quality Impact Assessment Policy.pdf
- Records Management Policy.pdf
- Recruitment Selection and Secondment Policy.pdf
- ReSPECT Policy.pdf
- Resuscitation Policy.pdf
- Retirement Policy.pdf
- Risk Assessment Form.doc
- Risk Feeding Policy.pdf
- Risk Management Policy.pdf
- Risk Matrix.doc
- Roles, Responsibilities and Competencies for Clinical Staff (Bands 2-8a) Policy.pdf
- Root Cause Analysis Toolkit - Incident Investigation (1).doc
- Roster Policy.pdf
- Safe and Secure Handling of Medicines.pdf
- Safeguarding Adults Policy.pdf
- Safeguarding Children Policy and Procedures.pdf
- Safeguarding Supervision Policy.pdf
- Safer staffing and staffing escalation policy.pdf
- Schedule of Matters Reserved to the Board and Scheme Of Delegation.pdf
- Self Administration of Medicines in Community Hospitals & Butterfly Hospice.pdf
- Sepsis Recognition Policy.pdf
- Smoke-free Policy.pdf
- Social Media & Networking Policy.pdf
- Special Leave Policy.pdf
- Standing Financial Instructions.pdf
- Standing Orders Policy.pdf
- Student & Apprentice Practice Placement Policy.pdf
- Subcutaneous Injections in Community Palliative Care.pdf
- Substance Misuse Policy.pdf
- Temporary Staffing Policy.pdf
- The Management of Outbreaks of Communicable Diseases.pdf
- The Safe Use and Handling of Sharps.pdf
- Trade Union Recognition Agreement.pdf
- Transfer Of Care Policy.pdf
- Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy Agents Policy.pdf
- Treasury Management Policy.pdf
- Uniform and Dress Code Policy.pdf
- Use of Unlicenced Meds Policy.pdf
- Venepuncture and Cannulation Policy.pdf
- Violence Prevention and Reduction Strategy.pdf
- Violence Prevention Reduction and Management of Violence and Aggression Policy.pdf
- VIPs and Protected Persons Plan.pdf
- Was Not Brought Policy.pdf
- Working Capital Management Policy.pdf
- Your Attendance Matters (Including Ill Health and Absence).pdf
- Your Behaviour Matters - Disciplinary Policy & Procedure incorporating investigation process.pdf
- Your Equality & Diversity Matters Policy .pdf
- Your Performance Matters.pdf