Quality Accounts
A quality account is a report about the quality of services provided by an NHS healthcare service. The public, patients and others will be able to use a quality account to understand:
- what an organisation is doing well at;
- where improvements in service quality are required;
- what the organisation's priorities are for improvement for the coming year; and
- how they have involved service users, staff and others with an interest in the organisation in determining those priorities for improvement.
There is a requirement for all quality accounts to be verified for content, so statements from stakeholders are included.
Please find the Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust quality accounts below:
Previous years of these documents are available upon request, please contact the FOI team.
Telephone: 01522 513355
Email: agcsu.foi.lchs@nhs.net
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Freedom of InformationGEM CSU
Cross O'Cliff
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