
Chief Executive's Column - December 2020

Posted on: 3rd December 2020

As we emerge from our second national lockdown and into Tier Three restrictions for Lincolnshire, our Covid-19 pandemic response continues.

Over the last month, the NHS has been under significant pressure to meet the demand for services as the number of cases of Covid-19 has increased in the community.

Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust teams across community hospitals and in the community, in patients’ homes, schools and local clinics, have been working exceptionally hard in helping to avoid hospital admissions by helping people maintain independence and health at home.

Where a hospital admission could not be avoided, they work with other health professionals and services to help facilitate safe packages of care to get them home again as soon as possible.

As we approach the Christmas holiday period, we would usually be reminding you about some good self-care habits, including making sure you have arranged repeat prescriptions, stocking up your home medicine cabinet and making sure you know where to seek help in case of any festive mishaps.

But this December, there’s an additional simple ask of you to support local health services – by joining our ‘Let’s Do This Together’ campaign.

It asks you to follow five acts: eat healthily and move more; visit a pharmacy before your GP; make and maintain your health appointments; ask for telephone or video appointments wherever possible; and use the free NHS111 service before you visit an Accident and Emergency department.

Local research has found that these are five actions Lincolnshire residents have been adopting during the Covid-19 pandemic and are making a significant and positive difference to Lincolnshire’s NHS.

By taking responsibility for your own actions, these simple steps will help us to maintain safe services and manage demand by ensuring you receive care quickly and in the most appropriate place for your needs.

We still have a significant challenge ahead so Let’s Do This Together.

As this is my final column of 2020, it remains for me to say thank you for your valued ongoing support and to offer my best wishes for Christmas and the New Year.

It will certainly be a different occasion this year, but I hope it proves to be a safe and healthy one for you all.