Chief Executive's column - December 2021

Posted on: 29th December 2021

As we are approaching the New Year, I’d like to reflect on how your generous donations have made a real difference to our patients and staff this year.  

2021 is another year that can be described as unprecedented, however, the kindness and support we have received from the people of Lincolnshire for Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust (LCHS) and the NHS as a whole is so heart-warming, we really do appreciate all of your support.

Lincolnshire NHS Charity is an independent and dedicated charity that plays a vital role in supporting community, mental health and learning disability services to make a difference to our patients.

The charity raises its money in many ways, staff and patients are often running various sponsored events, cake sales, charity balls, skydives, walks, marathons and 10k runs, 24 hour cycle challenges – you name it, we have probably done it! Plus, generous donations from patients and their families are always very gratefully received.

Your support and generosity have meant that we have been able to enhance services and facilities that would not otherwise be funded by the NHS. How we spend charitable funds is carefully considered and donations made to specific funds or for specific purposes must also only be allocated for that use.

A therapy dog for Scarbrough Ward at Skegness Hospital, revamping staff areas, new equipment for paediatric physiotherapy patients, garden furniture at the Peter Hodgkinson Centre, Christmas presents for patients on our wards, and equipment for pulmonary rehab patients. These are just a few examples of how we used your donations to improve care for our patients or support our staff. We are also always happy to keep in touch with our donors let you know how your money has been spent.

All the items what we have been able to purchase through Lincolnshire NHS Charity have made such a huge difference to our patients and our staff members across the county. So, once again, on behalf of everyone at LCHS, I would like to say thank you for every single donation, kind word and gesture of support given to us during 2021.

You can donate to our Lincolnshire NHS Charity, via the official ‘Just Giving’ page, all the funds raised here will go towards our charity.

For more information about our Lincolnshire NHS Charity, please visit our website or follow @LCHSandLPFTCharitableFunds on Facebook and @charitablefunds on Twitter.