
Chief Executive's Column - July 2020

Posted on: 20th July 2020

The extraordinary times that we are living in require an extraordinary effort to make sure our communities continue to receive excellent care.

Extraordinary is certainly an accurate way I can describe the incredible ongoing work of Lincolnshire’s NHS services during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, which has seen our teams and individuals continue to go above and beyond the call of duty.

We have been working hard at Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust to welcome patients safely back to some of our highest priority services over the last few weeks.

Our School Aged Immunisations Service is among them, which last week launched its first ever drive-through vaccination programme to help support children in Year 8 to receive the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV).

Children who missed out on their vaccination due to lockdown school closures will now be able to get their vaccination in a safe and convenient way.

In our community hospitals in Gainsborough, Louth, Skegness and Spalding, we have been able to resume visiting, albeit with a few essential changes to protect everyone’s safety, including the introduction of booked appointments.

However, this is not a time for complacency. While some freedoms have returned to some of us following lockdown, we still have a long journey ahead.

In addition to following national guidance on staying safe, including social distancing, washing our hands regularly and the appropriate use of face masks and coverings, there are other things you can do at home to help us.

This includes embracing self-care and using the digital technology available to us in accessing NHS services rather than attending in person.

This can be as simple as keeping your medicine cabinet stocked with over-the-counter remedies. Make sure you have any hayfever or allergy medication you need for summer and be safe in the sun by applying an appropriate level of sunscreen, wearing a hat and drinking plenty.

If you do need medical advice or treatment, please ‘talk before you walk’ into services and use the extensive range of expertise available by visiting, calling NHS11 or using the NHS app. This will also help to connect you to local services, including bookable appointments at your local urgent treatment centre.