Dedicated Staff Physiotherapy Service Shortlisted For National Award

Posted on: 30th June 2015

A pilot physiotherapy service dedicated to supporting community NHS staff to remain healthy has been shortlisted for a national award.

Physio for You, an occupational health musculoskeletal (MSK) physiotherapy service at Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust (LCHS), is among the finalists in the MSK Care category of the Patient Safety Awards 2015.

The service works proactively with staff to provide early intervention for MSK conditions, preventing injury to keep staff at work and helps plan for individuals to safely return to work if they have been absent.

MSK conditions can include any injury, disease or problem relating to muscles, bones or joints.

The year-long pilot service was launched in February 2015 and has been developed based on best practice from acute hospital services, but adapted to address the needs and challenges faced by community teams, who predominantly work in patients' homes and community clinics.

Navroz Amlani, Clinical Physiotherapy Specialist and Occupational Health Physiotherapist at LCHS, said: "We are delighted this innovative service is being recognised on a national platform. It not only supports the health and wellbeing of individual staff members, but in turn their wider team and the patients we care for. Every member of staff has a valuable role to play in the success of our organisation, by providing a wealth of skills and knowledge that cannot be easily replaced or reproduced if they become sick or injured. We are very keen to provide care for their welfare and this is just one of the ways the organisation is able to support them in caring for others."

The award winner will be announced at a ceremony on July 6 at the ICC in Birmingham.