Do you know your clinician in the community? By James Ford, Senior Clinical Pharmacist, IMP PCN
Posted on: 10th December 2021
Recently pharmacies and GP practices have been collaborating to help patients have improved access to healthcare advice and medicines. This is great for patients who are likely to be seen quicker and it helps doctors see those really poorly patients who need help most. Community pharmacists offer a whole range of services people don’t often know about. We are, of course, still dispensing medicines but we’ve also played a massive role in the covid vaccination programme, some of you may well have had your vaccination from a pharmacist.
Our pharmacy team have unique roles where they work both in our local pharmacies and also within local surgeries. This makes them ideally placed to care for patients and provide accessible advice to their community. Those who are based within GP practices undertake a range of medicine reviews and helping educate patients on correct use of inhalers or diabetic medicines. In our own settings we are starting to see patients who need prescriptions for skin infections; ear infections and UTIs. Our expanding role helps GP practices as well as giving patients choice on when and where they’re seen.
As you may have seen reported, soon there will be a new blood pressure service in pharmacies, it will support doctors surgeries in diagnosing patients sooner, and ensuring they are correctly looked after. This will help our community live longer healthier lives
You’re able to help us help you by coming to us early when you have symptoms of common illnesses such as coughs and colds. We can give advice on over-the-counter medication to help you feel better sooner. And if we think it's a bit more serious, we will suggest you see another health care professional. If you’re invited for a flu or Covid vaccination, please do have attend. And if you’re looking ahead to New Year resolutions, we can help with things like smoking cessation and weight management.