LCHS is veteran friendly
Posted on: 24th January 2024
Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust (LCHS) has become an accredited Veterans Aware organisation.
This means it is certified as accounting for the needs of the military community in the county.
Lincolnshire has a large armed forces community of more than 160,000, comprising 44,811 veterans, 107,546 families, 1,070 reservists and 6,800 regulars. This amounts to about 16 per cent of the total population of the county.
The Trust has formed strong links with Waddington RAF base, as well as various connections with reserve forces in the county. LCHS staff will develop links with the other Lincolnshire bases as work progresses in this area.
The accreditation process was overseen by the Veterans Covenant Healthcare Alliance (VCHA). Its aim is to ensure patients from the armed forces community, including families, are paid due regard and are not disadvantaged with access to and outcomes of healthcare, as a result of their military life in line with the principles of the Armed Forces Covenant.
The VCHA does this by developing, sharing and driving the implementation of best practice, and helping to raise standards for everyone in NHS trusts in England.
The Armed Forces Covenant is a promise by the nation ensuring that those who serve, or have served, in the armed forces, and their families, are treated fairly.
VCHA Regional Lead David Wood said: “I’m absolutely delighted with the work developed by LCHS. They’ve accomplished a great deal, and their engagement and progress has been exemplary and consistent.
“This accreditation will strengthen the offer to the Armed Forces Community in Lincolnshire.”
LCHS applied for the Veteran’s Aware accreditation to the VCHA in December and were notified of the decision earlier this month.
Dusty Millar, Deputy Director of People at LCHS said: “We are thrilled to have gained the Veteran’s Aware accreditation at LCHS. Lincolnshire has a proud history and strong links with our armed forces, which we intend to maintain.
“This accreditation recognises the significant amount of work undertaken to ensure we are veteran friendly for our patients and our staff.”
The Trust re-signed the Armed Forces Covenant at silver level last September and is now working towards achieving the gold standard.