Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust invites you to its Annual Public Meeting
Posted on: 30th August 2023
Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust (LCHS) Annual Public Meeting will take place virtually on Tuesday 19 September 2023 from 12.30pm to 1.30pm, on Microsoft Teams.
LCHS provides local community-based health care services to help people live independently at home including urgent care, community nursing, children and young people’s services and specialised services. The Trust also provides services at four community hospitals.
The meeting is a chance to learn more about the organisation; the Trust will reflect on achievements and performance during the last financial year (1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023).
Malcolm Burch, LCHS Chair, said: "Our Annual Public Meeting is a great opportunity to reflect on our performance, progress and achievements during the past year. The event will feature presentations from LCHS board members and our people as well as a series of short films showcasing key projects and services.
“This meeting is a highlight in our events calendar, and we warmly welcome everyone to join us.
“We also look forward to engaging with members of the public on their views and queries on our performance during 2022/23 in the question-and-answer session.”
If you would like to submit a question in writing in advance, please do so before midnight on Sunday 17 September by emailing: lhnt.lchsecomms@nhs.net.
Visit the LCHS website: https://lincolnshirecommunityhealthservices.nhs.uk/APM for more information and for the meeting link. You do not need to pre-book. To join you do not need to download any software, all you need is a computer, smartphone or a tablet and access to the internet.