Lincolnshire's health workers lead the way with flu vaccinations

Posted on: 10th February 2021

Latest figures have revealed an incredible 90 per cent of the county’s healthcare workers had the flu vaccination this winter – the highest uptake of the vaccine among healthcare staff throughout the East and West Midlands’ region.

Staff have been commended for leading by example, particularly as the uptake of flu vaccinations among the wider Lincolnshire communities is also above the regional average. 

The success rates have been attributed to concerted efforts to share good practice across Lincolnshire’s NHS organisations and partner organisations which has helped to increase awareness and participation in the winter flu vaccination programme.

“A ninety per cent vaccination rate for healthcare workers is a wonderful achievement and is testament to our collective staff’s commitment to protecting their patients by having the vaccine. Staff should be thoroughly commended for their positive approach and for leading by example,” said Anita Lewin, Director of Nursing, Allied Health Professionals and Quality at Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.

“Lincolnshire’s leading work around our winter flu vaccinations laid the foundation for our COVID-19 vaccination programme and we are delighted that everyone in Lincolnshire – all staff and our wider communities – are pulling together to ensure this is just as successful,” said Rebecca Neno, Deputy Director of Nursing, and System vaccinations lead at Lincolnshire NHS Clinical Commissioning Group.