Sharing is caring this Child Safety Week (June 5-11)

Posted on: 5th June 2017

Events will be taking place across Lincolnshire next week in support of Child Safety Week. 

Child Safety Week is the annual campaign run by the Child Accident Prevention Trust (CAPT) and is designed to promote safety messages to families on a variety of topics. 

Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust (LCHS) is supporting the campaign by coordinating a variety of local awareness events in children's centres across Lincolnshire aimed at families. 

Gina Blundell, accident prevention pathway lead at LCHS, said: "Campaigns such as Child Safety Week are important in helping to highlight some of the dangers and risks that aren't always obvious. Preventable accidents can happen in a matter of seconds, but, with the right precautions, can often be avoided. 

"We are delighted that a number of organisations have joined us in spreading awareness of topics such as burns and scalds, choking, poisoning, falls, road safety and water and fire safety, particularly as this year's theme is 'sharing is caring'. Details of events happening near you throughout the week can be obtained by contacting your local children's centre."

For more information on Child Safety Week, visit the dedicated website or alternatively visit the 'keeping your child safe' pages of the Lincolnshire Healthy Families website -

Parents can also join the conversation by using the hashtags #childsafetyweek, #sharingiscaring and looking out for useful information posted on our social media pages. 


Organisations involved in raising local awareness alongside Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust are Lincolnshire County Council, Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue and United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust. 

Facebook - @LincolnshireHealthyFamilies / @lincscommhealth

Twitter - @LincsHealthFam / @lincscommhealth

Useful website: