Spalding Beaver Group Raises Funds For Paediatric Plaster Saw
Posted on: 10th August 2015
A Spalding Beaver group has donated £150 to Johnson Community Hospital’s Minor Injuries Unit for the purchase of a much-needed paediatric plaster saw.
"We have a GP-led fracture unit that runs in the MIU that applies full fibreglass casts for simple, straight-forward limb fracture. Our current plaster saw is a full-sized one that operates with a hoover to collect dust - which can be quite scary for young children and people with learning disabilities, as it is quite noisy," says Rose Shortland, Sister at Johnson Community Hospital MIU.
"I recently became aware that I can get a paediatric saw that is hand-held and suitable for the age of children and adults we treat (5 years and older). The hand-held saw is less noisy so we can provide a better quality of care for this group of patients."
Janet Shortland, the mother of Michelle Shortland, Deputy Matron on Welland Ward at Johnson Community Hospital - who runs the local Beaver group - became aware of the MIU's need for a suitable plaster saw and offered to donate funds raised by the beavers towards its purchase.
A cheque presentation was made on Welland Ward Saturday, July 11, for Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust’s Charitable Funds to put towards to the purchase of the saw.
Along with the funds raised, the Beaver group brought along an array of activities including paints, jigsaw puzzles, bean bags, and soft balls - all a great benefit to patients with limited dexterity.
“Myself and Helen Pattinson (occupational therapist for LCHS) produced a wish list of activities we thought the patients would benefit from on the ward. Mum (Janet) chose the items and brought them along with the Beavers,” says Michelle Shortland.
"These are all activities we thought would benefit patients' balance, posture, coordination and encourage social interaction.”
The beavers rounded out the day's festivities with campfire songs - brightening the spirits of the entire ward.