Anticoagulation Service


Specialist services are now planning for restoration and recovery.

During this period we continue to triage patients referred to us offering support via education leaflets, websites, telephone and digital consultations. Face to face home visits are available for essential visits only.

The Anticoagulation service provides  high quality “one stop shop” monitoring, initiation and education for Adult patients taking Oral Vitamin K Antagonists (Warfarin, Sinthrome and Phenindione) following a referral from GP or hospital consultant, and where this service is not provided by their own GP.

The service runs from three hubs based in Lincoln, Gainsborough and Grantham. Patients can access satellite clinics throughout Lincolnshire closer to their homes.

Clinics run from Monday to Thursday with clinical staff available on Friday for advice and support (excluding bank holidays).

A domiciliary service is also available for house bound patients.

Patients who are visiting the area and require an INR test will need to temporarily register with a GP and request referral to the service.

Contact Details

Patients already registered with the service can contact us to discuss any concerns that they may have about their anticoagulant therapy or any changes that may affect their INR result, e.g. medication changes and side effects, diet changes, appointment changes, hospital admissions or discharges.

The service operates from Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays)

Telephone: Lincoln  01522 530336 


Should Administration staff not be available to take your call, please leave a clear message on the answer phone stating your name and contact details so that we may return your call on return to the office.

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