Infection prevention statement
Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust (LCHS) recognises the obligation placed upon it by the Health Act 2006 - Code of Practice for the Prevention and Control of Health Care Associated Infections.
The trust supports the principles that infections must be prevented wherever possible or where this is not possible, minimised to an irreducible level with effective arrangements and policies for surveillance and prevention of infections associated with the trust’s activities.
Infection prevention policies, procedures and protocols are designed to outline the principles and responsibilities associated with the prevention and control of infection in a health care setting.
Meticillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) screening compliance statement
LCHS is committed to reducing the risk of infection from all healthcare associated infections.
The trust is compliant with the Department of Health MRSA screening guidance which means that some patients who attend as elective admissions for inpatient stays, operations, procedures are screened for MRSA prior to or on arrival, in line with current NHS screening requirements. For further information about MRSA, vist the MRSA website.
What else are we doing to reduce the risk of infection?
- We have a dedicated team of infection prevention staff specialising in infection prevention and control and who work closely with staff and patients to ensure that appropriate steps to stop the spread of infections are taken.
- All staff employed by the trust are required to attend specialist infection control training on appointment and annually thereafter
- We have numerous policies and guidelines that ensure that our staff do the right thing, in the right way and at the right time to ensure that we protect you from infection
- We provide hand hygiene facilities at the entrance to our inpatient wards and at the point of patient care. All of our clinical staff are required to undertake a practical hand hygiene competency assessment every year.
- We provide aprons, gloves and require that staff wear these for specific clinical care activities
- We have robust cleaning programmes for our wards and other patient care facilities. We audit the cleanliness regularly to ensure that our high standards are maintained. In most areas the results are displayed on a public notice board. If you would like more information please ask the person in charge of the ward/department that you are visiting
- We look at all potential risks to acquiring infection and take steps to reduce their occurrences. We actively challenge staff to deliver a high standard of care
Infection and Control Policies and Guidance
Click here to read the LCHS infection prevention and control policies.
Click here to view guidance and standard operating procedure documents (LCHS staff only).
Date last modified 15/03/2021