
The Charity Committee of Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust (LCHS) carries out the administration of the fund on behalf of the trustee. The committee meet regularly throughout the year. A regular report was presented to the committee, providing details of income and expenditure and any significant issues relating to the charity were discussed in this forum.

NHS fund managers govern the funds within their own area and request the use of charitable funds, where expenditure is appropriate to the objectives of the charity and up to £1,000. For purchases over £1,000 and up to £10,000 an approval form must be signed by the relevant chief executive. For all purchases over £10,000, authorisation from the Charity Committee must be granted.

In September 2020 Lincolnshire NHS Charity underwent a strategic review to ensure that the charity’s key objectives are in-line with the priorities of both LCHS and LPFT. This strategy was subject to a further review in March 2022. As a result the committee agreed on the following mission, vision and objectives.

The charity’s mission:

The Lincolnshire NHS Charity will help to improve the health and wellbeing of patients and families served by Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust and Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.

The charity’s vision:

To enable the people of Lincolnshire to live well in their communities with great care, close to home.

Every year our supporters, whether members of the public or staff, raise thousands of pounds for our charity. Patients and their families often thank staff for the care that they have received by making donations, confident that the money will be spent on a particular service in a manner that improves the experience of patients in the future. We ensure this money is spent quickly and effectively benefitting as many of our patients as possible.